
Tracing the Arguments of Scripture

The Biblearc Phrasing course will teach students how to wrap their minds around a passage of Scripture by going through the Five Passes of Phrasing.  This includes dividing up the text of Scripture into its smallest grammatical units, indenting those units and drawing arrows between them to show relationships, labelling those relationships, and applying the main points of the passage to their lives.

This close and detailed grammatical study will lead to an accurate understanding of the author’s original intent in a passage, which we pray will culminate in joyful treasuring of and heartfelt obedience to Jesus Christ.
(Self-enrollment disabled)
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This course is restricted to members or regular attenders of the local church or organization associated with this site. If you are interested in taking this course outside of this capacity, you may enroll through Biblearc.
Biblearc owns all permissions of this course. However, understand that you may be viewing a modified version, personalized for your church or organization. You can find the original course here.

Meet the original course creator


Path courses all end with an assessment to determine your grasp of the skills learned and material covered. Successfully passing an assessment requires a high degree of understanding and is meant to serve as a motivation to take your study seriously.